
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Herman Cain Drops out of Race

Herman Cain announced yesterday that he was suspending his campaign for president. Though he did not come right and say it's over, read between the lines and you can pretty much say he's done.
With the allegations of sexual improprieties, his support has been slipping since the first accusations were made. It is alleged that the latest report of the 13 year, on again, off again affair was the straw that finally broke the back of the campaign.
He came home to Atlanta to supposedly talk to his family, more than likely to try to save what was left of his marriage. He admitted that he had helped the woman in question financially, but never told his wife about the arrangement. He has continued to say that there was never any sexual part to the relationship, however the woman insist that there was.
Most all the accusations about Mr. Cain seems to stem from his time with the National Restaurant Association, a three year period out of a career that spanned over 40 years. The one thing that never made much sense about this whole situation was that fact. But, with this latest accusation, the affair went on over much of the time he was living here in Atlanta and communication was right up till just recently. This time would also include his battle with cancer, where as a survivor myself, you need all the support you can get, plus his time as a WSB radio talk host and during his time as a fill in host for Neil Boortz. From all accounts, this seemed so much out of character for Mr. Cain, that a lot personal friends seemed to have a hard time accepting that he could have done what he had been accused of.
The announcement made on Saturday, pretty much seals the deal for Herman. Though he said he is just suspending his effort, he can pack it in for good. Once you have started on a downhill slide and it's this close to New Hampshire and Iowa, your done. The support he had from the Tea party has been taken by Newt Gingrich and it looks like the battle will come down between Newt and Romney.
Good luck to Herman Cain, I think his family will need a lot of healing after all this, I wish him the best in the future.

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